Monday, March 31, 2014

Monthly Post: March

My RUG list is completed, I switched out my elvish mystics for syncopates. I love it.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Blog 18: Answer 3

EQ: What is the best way to win a Magic: the Gathering Pro Tour?

Answer 3: Finding your playstyle is essential to winning in Magic the Gathering

1)Playing your deck would become easier and second nature (Ex. You'd have an easier time of knowing what to do even against difficult matchups)

2)It would be fun. (Ex. If aggro was your playstyle, you'd have an easier time playing winning with that instead of forcing yourself to play a top tier control deck.)

3)You'd be less nervous in tournaments because your deck would become predictable and repeatable like a thesis for a science experiment. ( You'd be able to expect it to perform the same way every time you play the deck. Win the way it's supposed to, and lose to its faults.)

Moore, Ray. "Confronting, and Embracing, Your Play Style by Ray Moore - Magic the Gathering TCG Article." Confronting, and Embracing, Your Play Style by Ray Moore - Magic the Gathering TCG Article. N.p., 20 Mar. 2006. Web. 27 Sept. 2013. <>.

All in all it takes a Playstyle that you're comfortable with to minimize errors because you won't be second guessing your actions as often causing you to win more.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Blog 17: Fourth Interview Questions

1) What do you recommend for the sideboard?
2) what strategies do you implement when you practice?
3) What's the deal with the price jump of cards even when they're out of rotation?
4) Is three color alright to play right now?
5) What do you think drives the supply and demand of the cards?
6)when's the best time to buy
7) is it better to hold onto cards or just to sell them when you don't use them.
8) How do profession mtg players afford touring everywhere?
9) What's the most insane price that you've seen for a card
10) how do you think money affects viability in tournaments
11) why is there such an open gate for uniqueness and opportunity, but the meta is stuck?
12) Snapcaster is $40 why?
13) did melira pod get nerfed because of the drs ban?
14) is it intimidating going to events?
15) do I even stand a chance?
16) What influence does the pros have on the casuals
17) magic in general?
18) is jund monsters going to be a thing?
19) Why do people still play standard
20) why isn't modern more pronounced?